Checklist for review of analytical raw data generated during the chemical analysis of finished drug product, the raw material (API-Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient / Excipient), Inprocess samples and stability study sample analysis.
Checklist for Review of Analytical Raw Data (Test wise)
1.0 Product Information (Review of Raw Data / Report) :
- Name of material (Brand name, Generic name)
- Name of material (Brand name, Generic name)
- Pharmacopoeial status if any.
- Manufacturer supplier name.
- Batch No.,
- A.R. No.,
- Batch size.
- Mfg. Date,
- Exp. Date.
2.0 General Check Points (Review of Raw Data / Report):
- Analytical method, effective date, revision number.
- Calibration status of Instrument.
- Instrument code No.
- Instrument usage log entry.
- HPLC/ UPLC/ GC /IC column ID number.
- HPLC/ UPLC / GC/ IC column usage log entry.
- Name and grade of reagents used in the analysis.
- Code no. of buffer, reagents, volumetric, indicator.
- The validity of the solution used in the analysis.
- Solution code no.
- WS/RS/Impurity name.
- WS/RS/Impurity code No./Lot No.
- The potency of WS/RS/Impurity.
- WS/RS/Impurity validity date.
- Balance ID used in the analysis.
- Standard and sample weight.
- Standard and test preparation.
- Dilution, sonication time,filter, centrifuge of sample as per ATP .
- Weight slip print out and any other print out with B.No. /A.R. No. and signature of the analyst.
- Any stamp on the chromatogram, UV spectra, histogram, etc.
- Date of analysis.
- Countersignature where ever applicable.
- Conversion factor, calculation as per ATP and results meeting the specification.
- Reason for cancellation of chromatogram / UV spectra/ histogram or other print out of respective instrument and authorization.
- Signature of the analyst on raw data, chromatogram, UV spectra, histogram or any other printout.
- Signature of authorized by / approved by wherever applicable.
- Any deviation from procedures defines in ATP.
- Any deviation from SOP flow.
- Event/ incident/ OOS/OOC/OOT/ repeat analysis handle as per respective SOP.
- Activity is performed in chronological order of date.
- Any replacement of page in template /worksheet/ chromatogram/ UV spectra/ or any other document.
3.0 Test – Identification (Review of Raw Data / Report)
Identification by IR :
- Purity index (should be greater than 0.95), wherever applicable.
- A comparison of the sample spectrum with the WS spectrum should be concordant.
- Container no. Vs. IR spectrum.
- Spectrum range.
- Note: Analyst/reviewer shall verify and ensure the electronic data as listed above in the system is as per the test procedure.
Identification by Color Development :
- Observation as per ATP and countersignature by a person who checked in to the lab.
Identification by melting point :
- Dried material use.
- Observation and countersignature by the person who checked in to the lab.
Identification and related substance by TLC :
- Mobile phase preparation.
- TLC plate and TLC tank no.( if applicable).
- Procedure for the saturated tank, impurity solution preparation in case of related substance.
- The mobile phase run on the plate.
- Application, detection, or spray solution preparation or code no.
- Rf value (where ever applicable).
- The intensity of the spots, size of the spot whichever applicable, check for the countersignature of the person who observed the TLC plate along with analyst.
- UV lamp intensity for observation of spot as per ATP.
- Trace paper sketch or Xerox copy of the TLC plate.
4.0 Analysis by UV spectrophotometer (Review of Raw Data / Report)
- Blank absorbance.
- UV spectrum by peak and valley detection.
- Wavelength (maxima) used in the analysis.
- Absorbance at particular maxima, compare sample spectrum with WS. Spectrum. -variation of wavelength should be verified as per the respective method.
- Sample preparation.
5.0 Specific optical rotation
- Length of tube used in the analysis.
- The temperature during sample reading.
- Sample preparation and diluent used for sample preparation.
- Sample preparation time and measurements time.
- Blank and sample reading as per ATP and calculation (wherever applicable).
6.0 Assay and related substances by HPLC
- Mobile phase preparation, gradient program(if applicable )
- pH adjustment, filter, degas, sonication and stirring of mobile phase (as per STP).
- System suitability solution preparation (resolution solution preparation).
- Column no., column dimension,
- The wavelength, column oven temperature, sample cooler temperature,
- Peak integration and integration type, manual integration, chromatogram no.,
- No. of injection (as per STP), injection volume, integration parameter,
- System suitability, RSD, theoretical plates, tailing factor, resolution,
- Proper peak identification, peak merging with known impurity or active compound,
- Increase or decrease of placebo/ blank peak response in sample chromatogram.
- Sequence print, method print, processing method print, peak shape, run time, retention time.
- Peak identification due to extraneous peak, placebo peaks or peak found from the mobile phase and diluent.
- Any peak at the retention time of active ingredient in the mobile phase, diluent, and placebo.
- Increases or decreases in area response of one or more of the samples when compared with standard or sample area.
- Baseline/ retention time /peak height or peak area shift throughout the run.
- Chromatographic pattern or gradient pattern throughout the run.
- The decrease in plate count, increase in tailing and fronting during run, integration inhibition.
- The peak should be 70 % of the full-scaled chromatogram (for assay) auto scaled (if required ) (and for related substance peak shape and peak integration shall be clearly visible.
- Peak purity, peak threshold, purity angle (if required).
- Note: Analyst/reviewer shall verify and ensure the electronic data as listed above in the system as per the test procedure.
7.0 Assay, Related substances and residual solvent by GC
- The carrier gas, column program, injector temperature, detector temperature, split ratio, type of detector.
- Headspace condition (if applicable) as per the method.
- System suitability solution preparation (Resolution solution preparation).
- Column number, column dimension, injection volume, temperature,
- Integration parameter, system suitability, RSD, theoretical plate, tailing factor, resolution, proper peak identification,
- Peak merging with known impurity or active compound, increase or decrease of placebo/ blank peak response in the sample.
- Chromatogram, manual integration, chromatogram No., No. of injection (as per STP).
- Sequence print, method print, processing method print, peak shape, run time, retention time.
- Peak integration, extraneous peak, placebo peaks or peak found from the diluent and peak should be 70 % of the scale.
- Any peak at the retention time of active in diluent and placebo.
- Increases or decreases area response of one or more of the sample when compared with standard or sample area.
- Baseline/ retention time /peak height or peak area shift throughout the run.
- Chromatographic pattern or gradient pattern throughout the run.
- The decrease in plate count, increase in tailing and fronting during run, integration inhibition.
- Note: Analyst/reviewer shall verify and ensure the electronic data as listed above in the system as per the test procedure.
8.0 Test – Content uniformity by HPLC
- Same as assay and related substances by HPLC.
- The reviewer shall verify all the area/ absorbance filled in template/worksheet/ hard book is correct.
- Minimum and maximum results value.
- Acceptance value.
- The reviewer shall check only minimum and maximum. Calculation during raw data review.
9.0 Test – Assay by titration (Review of Raw Data / Report)
- Strength of volumetric solution.
- Assay on as-is basis, dried basis or anhydrous basis.
- Validity date of volumetric solution.
- Printouts and signature of the analyst.
- Method parameter used for titration.
- Water content/LOD used in the calculation.
- The equivalent factor used in the calculation.
- Electrodes used in the titration.
- Results and calculation (where ever required).
10.0 Test – Sulphated ash or loss on ignition/residue on ignition
- Drying procedure of crucible.
- Addition of H2SO4 or HNO3, temperature, two constant weights after ignition.
- Cooling procedure after ignition.
- Results and calculation.
11.0 Test – Loss on drying
- The drying procedure of the LOD bottle.
- Sample weight, temperature and time of drying sample.
- Two constant weights (if required) and calculation.
12.0 Test – Limit test/appearance of solution /acidity and alkalinity
- Observation, the countersignature of another person who has checked the sample in the lab.
- pH (where ever applicable).
- Verification of pH meter standardization.
- Temperature (where ever applicable).
13.0 Test – Extractable volume and volume variation :
- Rinsing of the syringe or measuring cylinder and its capacity.
- Volume check.
- Specified no. of container and minimum, maximum and mean result.
14.0 Test – Moisture content/water determination by Karl Fischer reagent :
- Factor determination.
- Sample weight.
- Drift during the analysis.
- Printouts and signature of the analyst.
- Method parameter used for water analysis.
- The electrode used for analysis.
- KF reagents used for water determination.
- Results and calculation (wherever required).
- Note: Analyst/reviewer shall verify and ensure the electronic data as listed above in the system as per the test procedure.
15.0 Test – Weight variation :
- Weight of 20 units and average weight.
- The individual weight of 20 units.
- Minimum and maximum variation from the average weight.
16.0 Test – Disintegration time :
- The volume of media, temperature, preparation of media.
- Disintegration time.
17.0 Test – Dissolution :
- Media preparation, degassing of media.
- The volume of media, apparatus, time, temperature, start time and end time, RPM.
- Wobbling & centering check before starting the dissolution.
- Weight of each tablets/ capsules/ granules.
- Sample withdrawn.
- The reviewer shall verify all the area/ absorbance filled in template/worksheet/ hard book is correct.
- Minimum and maximum results value.
- Mean result value.
- The reviewer shall check the only min. and max. Calculation during raw data review.
18.0 Test – Viscosity :
- Temperature,
- RPM,
- Spindle number.,
- Factor,
- Calculation.
Abbreviations used in the checklist for Review of Analytical Raw Data and Report:
- ATP: Analytical Test Procedure.
- AR No. : Analytical Report Number.
- API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient.
- BET: Bacterial Endotoxin Test.
- CSE: Control Standard Endotoxin
- COA: Certificate of Analysis.
- Exp: Expiry.
- GC: Gas Chromatography.
- GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices.
- HPLC: High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography.
- IC: Ion Chromatography.
- IR: Infra-Red.
- LOD: Loss On Drying
- Mfg: Manufacturing
- NA: Not Applicable.
- NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
- OOS: Out of Specification.
- OOT: Out of Trend.
- OOC: Out of Calibration.
- PQ: Performance Qualification
- QA: Quality Assurance.
- QC: Quality Control.
- RS: Reference Standard.
- RSD: Relative Standard Deviation.
- RPM: Revolution Per Minute
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure.
- TLC: Thin Layer Chromatography.
- UPLC: Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography.
- UV: Ultra Violet.
- WS: Working Standard
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