Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Guideline for Preparation and Standardization of Volumetric Solution(s) used during analysis of Raw material and drug product at pharmaceutical quality control department.
Preparation & Standardization of Volumetric Solution(s)
1.0 Objective :
- The purpose of this SOP is to describe a procedure for Preparation & Standardization of Volumetric solution.
2.0 Scope :
- This SOP is applicable to Quality Control Department at pharmaceuticals drug manufacturing plant.
3.0 Procedure for Preparation and Standardization of Volumetric Solution(s):
General Procedure :
- Prepare volumetric solution of specific strength, wherever applicable, as per the procedure given in this SOP, or as per procedure given in appendix of Pharmacopoeia.
- Volumetric solution(s) shall not be different from the prescribed strength by more than 10% and the Molarity / Normality should be determined in triplicate with a precision of 0.2% (RSD).
- Give the batch number for volumetric standard solution preparation as VS/XX/YY-NNN onwards,
- where VS is Volumetric Solution, XX is the ID No. of the Individual Solution, YY is the last two digits of the year and NNN is the serial number of the prepared solution starting form 001.
- For the preparation of dilute Normal / Molar solution, if required, solution of standard Normality / Molarity may be diluted in exact proportion and same shall be entered in solution record, and should be re-standardized either as directed for the stronger solution or by comparing with another volumetric solution having a known ratio to the stronger solution.
All the prepared Volumetric Solution(s) shall be stored as per defined storage condition.
- Volumetric Solution of sodium hydroxide and Disodium Edetate shall be stored in polyolefin container.
- After preparation of Volumetric solution(s), paste the Label on the respective bottles as per annexure-II.
- Volumetric solution shall be used within one month of preparation.
- In case of any unusual observation, it shall be discarded and re-prepared.
- Volumetric solution(s) have concentration less than 0.1M, shall be prepared freshly.
- Preparation record of standard volumetric solution shall be recorded in Annexure-I.
Related : Analytical Solution Stability Study
- Prepared volumetric solution shall be standardized as per the SOP prepared for volumetric solution and for the testing of IP grade materials volumetric solutions shall be prepared and standardized as per IP procedure,
- For Ph. Eur. And BP grade materials volumetric solution(s) shall be prepared and standardized as per Ph. Eur. And BP procedure.
- Standardization shall be determined in triplicate sets using method specified in individual document and the average value shall be taken into consideration for calculation.
- Record raw data in format as per Annexure-I.
- Record the final observation of strength on the label of respective bottle of the solution. And also write the date of standardization and the validity date.
- Volumetric Solution shall be re-standardized before use and is valid for 24 hours.
- Molarity / Normality of the volumetric solution should be determined with a precision of 0.2 % (RSD).
- Record raw data of re-standardization of volumetric solution in format as per Annexure-III.
- Record the observed Molarity / Normality of Volumetric solution in Annexure-IV.
Preparation and standardization of Perchloric Acid solution, 0.1 M
- Note:
- Readymade 0.1 M / 0.1 N Perchloric Acid solution can also be used after standardization.
- Other strengths of perchloric acid should be prepared by diluting 0.1 M perchloric acid appropriately with anhydrous glacial acetic acid.
- Take 900 ml of anhydrous glacial acetic acid add 8.5 mL of perchloric acid, mix well then add 30 mL of acetic anhydride, Further dilute to 1000 mL with glacial acetic acid, mix well and allow to stand for 24 hours.
- Determination of water content:
- Determine water content without addition of dried methanol and if required adjust the water content to between 0.1% and 0.2% by adding either acetic anhydride or water, allow to stand for 24 hours.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 0.35 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate, previously powdered lightly and dried at 120° for 2 hours.
- Dissolve the PHP into 50 ml of anhydrous glacial acetic acid, warming gently if necessary.
- Allow to cool protected from air and titrate with the perchloric acid solution.
- Use 0.05 mL of crystal violet solution as indicator and until the violet colour changes to emerald-green or determine the end point potentiometrically.
- Carryout a blank titration / determination and make necessary correction if required.
- Calculation Factor : Each mL of 0.1 M perchloric acid is equivalent to 0.02042 g of C8H5KO4.
- Calculation:
Weight Potassium hydrogen phthalate (g) x 0.1
Molarity = ———————————————————————
Burette reading of Perchloric Acid solution x 0.02042
- Storage Condition:
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day.
Preparation and standardization of Iodine solution, 0.05 M
- Weight accurately 20 g of potassium iodide and dissolve in minimum amount of water, add 12.7 g of iodine, allow dissolving and further dilute to 1000 mL with water.
- Standardization:
- Take 20.0 mL of 0.05 M Iodine Volumetric Solution add 1 ml of 2M acetic acid and 30 ml of water.
- Titrate with 0.1 M sodium Thiosulphate Volumetric Solution using starch solution as indicator.
- Calculation Factor – Each mL of 0.1 M sodium Thiosulphate Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 0.01269 g of Iodine.
- Calculation:
Actual Molarity of 0.1 M sodium Thiosulphate VS x Burette reading
Molarity = ——————————————————————————————————
Volume of 0.05 M Iodine VS taken
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers, store protected from light.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : Freshly prepared
Preparation of Disodium Edetate (EDTA)solution, 0.05 M
- Weigh accurately about 18.6 g of Disodium Edetate (EDTA)and dissolve in sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 0.100 g of zinc, in granules, in 4 mL of 7M hydrochloric acid and 0.1 mL of bromine water.
- Boil to remove excess bromine, cool and dilute to 100 mL with water.
- Further dilute 25 mL of above solution to 200 mL with water,
- Add about 50 mg of xylene orange triturate and hexamine until the solution becomes violet-pink and add 2 gm of hexamine in excess.
- Titrate with the 0.05 M Disodium edetate solution until the violet-pink colour changes to yellow.
- Calculation Factor – Each ml of 0.05M disodium edetate is equivalent to 0.003269 g of Zn.
- Calculation:
Weight of granulated zinc (g) x 0.05
Molarity = —————————————————————-
Burette reading of EDTA solution x 0.003269
- Storage Condition:
- Store in polyolefin container.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : Freshly prepared
1 M Ceric Ammonium Sulphate solution / 0.1 M Ammonium Cerium (IV) Sulphate solution
- Take 65 g of ammonium cerium (IV) sulphate and dissolve in a mixture of 30.0 mL of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and 500 mL of water.
- Allow to cool and dilute to 1000 mL with water.
- Standardization:
- Take25 ml of the solution add 2 g of potassium iodide and 150 ml of water.
- Titrate immediately with 0.1 M Sodium Thiosulphate Volumetric Solution using 1 ml of starch solution as solution.
- Each mL of 0.1 M Sodium Thiosulphate Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 0.06326 g of (2NH4)2SO4, Ce(SO4)2,2H2O.
- Calculation:
Actual Molarity of 0.1 M sodium Thiosulphate VS x Burette reading
Molarity = —————————————————————————————–
Volume of 0.1 M Ceric Ammonium Sulphate VS taken
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of Sulphuric Acid solution, 0.5 M
- Take extreme care, add with stirring, 28 mL of sulphuric acid to about 50 mL of water and further dilute to 1000 mL with water.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 1.0 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, previously heated at about 270° for 1 hour.
- Dissolve it in 50 mL of water and add 0.1 mL of methyl orange solution until the solution begins to turn reddish yellow.
- Boil the solution for 2 minutes, cool and titrate again until the reddish yellow colour is restored.
- Each mL of 0.5M Sulphuric acid Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 0.053 g of Na2CO3.
- Calculation:
Weight of Sodium Carbonate (g) x 0.5
Molarity = ———————————————————————
Burette reading of Sulphuric acid solution x 0.053
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of Hydrochloric Acid solution, 1 M
- Take 85 mL of Hydrochloric acid in 1000 mL volumetric flask add sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 1.0 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in conical flask, previously dried at about 270° for 1 hour.
- Take 50 mL of water to dissolve and add 0.1 mL of methyl orange solution as indicator solution.
- Titrate with the 1M hydrochloric acid solution until the solution becomes reddish yellow.
- Boil for 2 minutes and continue the titration until the reddish yellow colour is restored.
- Calculation Factor – Each mL of 1.0 M hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.053 g of Na2CO3.
- Calculation:
Weight of Sodium Carbonate (g) x 1
Molarity = ———————————————————————
Burette reading of Hydrochloric acid solution x 0.053
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of Hydrochloric Acid solution, 0.1 M
- Take 8.5 mL of Hydrochloric acid in 1000 mL volumetric flask add sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 0.10 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in conical flask, previously heated at about 270° for 1 hour.
- Dissolve sodium carbonate in 20 mL of water and add 0.1 mL of methyl orange solution as indicator.
- Titrate with the 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution until the solution becomes reddish yellow.
- Boil the solution for 2 minutes and continue the titration until the reddish yellow colour is restored.
- Calculation Factor – Each mL of 0.1M hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.0053 g of Na2CO3.
- Calculation:
Weight of Sodium Carbonate (g) x 0.1
Molarity = ———————————————————————
Burette reading of Hydrochloric acid solution x 0.0053
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of Lead Nitrate solution, 0.1 M
- Weigh accurately 33.0 g of Lead Nitrate and dilute /dissolve in sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.
- Standardization:
- Pipette 20.0 mL of the Lead Nitrate solution into a flask,
- Add 300 ml of water and 50 mg of xylenol orange mixture and sufficient hexamine to produce a violet-pink colour
- Titrate with 0.1 M disodium edetate solution (EDTA)to a lemon-yellow end point.
- Calculation Factor – Each mL of 0.1 M disodium edetate is equivalent to 0.03312 g of Pb(NO3)2.
- Calculation:
Actual molarity of 0.1 M EDTA solution x Burette reading of EDTA solution
Molarity = ——————————————————————————————
Volume of Lead Nitrate solution taken
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of Disodium Edetate solution, 0.1 M
- Weigh accurately about 37.5 g of Disodium Edetate and dissolve in sufficient water to produce 1000 mL.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 0.120 g of zinc, in granules, in 4 mL of 7M hydrochloric acid and 0.1 mL of bromine water.
- Boil to remove excess bromine, cool and 2M sodium hydroxide until the solution is weakly acidic or neutral.
- Add 50 mg of mordant black II mixture and titrate with the 0.1 M Disodium edetate solution until the solution turns green.
- Calculation Factor – Each ml of 0.1 M disodium edetate is equivalent to 0.00654 g of Zn.
- Calculation:
Weight of granulated zinc (g) x 0.1
Molarity = ———————————————————
Burette reading of EDTA solution x 0.00654
- Storage Condition:
- Store in polyolefin container.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide solution, 0.1 M Ethanolic
- Dissolve 4.2 g of sodium hydroxide pellets in 5 mL of water and add sufficient water to produce 10 ml. (10 M Sodium hydroxide solution)
- Add 3.3 g of 10 M sodium hydroxide solution to 250 ml of absolute ethanol.
- Standardization:
- Weigh accurately about 0.2 g of benzoic acid, dissolve in a mixture of 10 mL of ethanol (96%) and 2 mL of water.
- Titrate with the ethanolic sodium hydroxide solution, using 0.2 mL of thymolphthalein solution as indicator.
- Calculation Factor – Each mL of 0.1 M ethanolic sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.01221g of C7H6O2.
- Calculation:
Weight of Benzoic Acid (g) x 0.1
Molarity = ————————————————————————————
Burette reading of Ethanolic Sodium Hydroxide solution x 0.01221
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : Freshly prepared
Preparation of 0.1M Ammonium Thiocyanate
- Weigh 7.612 g of Ammonium Thiocyanate in sufficient water (Milli-Q) to produce 1000.0 ml.
- Standardization:
- Pipette 20.0 ml 0.1 M Silver Nitrate Volumetric Solution add 25 mL of water, 2 mL of 2M Nitric Acid and 2 mL of Ferric Ammonium Sulphate solution R2 and titrate with the 0.1M Ammonium Thiocyanate solution until a reddish yellow colour is obtained.
- Each ml of 0.1 M Silver Nitrate Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 0.007612 g of Ammonium Thiocyanate
- Calculation:
V1 x M1
- Where:
- V1 = Volume of 0.1 M Silver Nitrate taken
- M1 = Molarity of 0.1 M Silver Nitrate
- V2 = Volume of 0.1 M Ammonium Thiosulphate consumed
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of 0.1M Ferrous ammonium sulfate
- Weigh and dissolve 40 g of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate in 100mL of 2M sulphuric acid and dilute with sufficient freshly boiled and cooled water to produce 1000 mL.
- Standardization:
- To 25 mL add 25 mL of water, 10 mL of 1M Sulphuric acid and 1 mL of orthophosphoric acid and titrate with 0.02M potassium permanganate Volumetric Solution.
- Each mL of 0.02M potassium permanganate Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 39.21 mg of (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2, 6H2O.
- Calculation:
V1 x M1
M2 =——————————————–
Where :
V1 = Volume of 0.02 M potassium permanganate VS consumed
M1 = Molarity of 0.02 M potassium permanganate VS
V2 = Volume of 0.1 M Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate taken
- Storage Condition:
- Store in glass bottles with well-fitted suitable stoppers.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of 1M Cerium (IV) Sulfate
- Weigh 40.4g Cerium (IV) Sulfate and dissolve in a mixture of 500ml of water and 50ml of Sulphuric Acid(96%w/w).
- Allow to cool and dilute to 1000.0ml with water.
- Standardization:
- Ascertain its exact concentration immediately before use in the following manner.
- To 20.0ml of the Cerium Sulphate solution, add 1.6 g of Potassium Iodide, 100ml of water and 40ml of dilute Sulphuric Acid.
- Titrate immediately with 0.1M Sodium Thiosulphate, using 0.8ml of Starch solution as indicator.
- Each ml of 0.1M Sodium Thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.04043 g of Ce(SO4)2,4H20
- Calculation:
(W) x 20 x 0.1 x 0.1
=————————————————————–= ………
………… (V).x0.04043x …… (Vt) x …………….. (M)
- Where:
- W- Weight of Cerium (IV) sulphate
- Vt-Volume used of titrant
- V- Final volume of volumetric solution prepared
- M-Molarity of 0.1M Sodium Thiosulphate
- Storage: Store the solution in glass stoppered bottle.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of 0.1M Silver Nitrate
- Dissolve 17.0 g of silver nitrate in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
- Standardization:
- Ascertain its exact concentration in the following manner.
- Dissolve 0.1 g of sodium chloride in 30 ml of water and titrate with the silver nitrate solution determining the end point potentiometrically.
- Each ml of 0.1M silver nitrate Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 5.844 mg of NaCl.
- Calculation
Weight of Sodium Chloride (g) x 0.1
Molarity = ————————————————————————————
Burette reading of Silver nitrate solution x 0.005844
- Storage: Store the solution protected from light.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide
- Solution Preparation:
- Dissolve 4.2 g of sodium hydroxide in sufficient carbon-dioxide free water to produce 1000 ml.
- Standardization:
- Ascertain its exact concentration immediately before use in the following manner.
- Titrate 20 ml of the solution with 0.1M hydrochloric acid Volumetric Solution using the indicator prescribed in the assay in which the solution is to be used.
- Each ml of 0.1M hydrochloric acid Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 4.00 mg of NaOH.
- Calculation:
V1 x M1
M2 =——————————————–
- Where :
- V1 = Volume of 0.1M hydrochloric acid VS consumed
- M1 = Molarity of 0.1M hydrochloric acid VS
- V2 = Volume of 0.1M Sodium hydroxide VS taken
- When a carbonate-free solution is specified it is prepared using the following method.
- Dissolve sodium hydroxide in an equal weight of water and allow to stand overnight.
- Taking precautions to avoid absorption of carbon dioxide, siphon off or decant the clear supernatant liquid and dilute with carbon dioxide-free water to the desired molarity.
The solution complies with the following test.
- Titrate 20 ml of hydrochloric acid Volumetric Solution of the same molarity as the solution being examined with the sodium hydroxide solution using 0.5 ml of phenolphthalein solution as indicator.
- At the end point add just sufficient of the acid again to discharge the pink colour which does not reappear after prolonged boiling.
- Not more than 0.1 ml of the acid is required.
- When 0.1M sodium hydroxide Volumetric Solution is used in the assay of halide salts of organic basis, ascertain its exact concentration in the following manner.
- Dissolve 0.100 g of benzoic acid in a mixture of 5 ml of 0.01M hydrochloric acid and 50 ml of ethanol (96%).
- Titrate with the solution being examined and note the volume added between the two points of inflection.
- Each ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 12.21 mg of C7H6O.
- Storage: Store the solution in Polyolefin stoppered bottle.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day
Preparation of 1M Sodium Hydroxide
- Solution Preparation:
- Dissolve 42 g of sodium hydroxide in sufficient carbon dioxide-free water to produce 1000 ml.
- Standardization:
- Ascertain its exact concentration immediately before use in the following manner.
- Titrate 20 ml of the solution with 1M hydrochloric acid Volumetric Solution using the indicator prescribed in the assay in which the solution is to be used.
- Each ml of 1M hydrochloric acid Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 40.00 mg of NaOH.
- Calculation:
V1 x M1
M2 =——————————————–
- Where :
- V1 = Volume of 1M hydrochloric acid VS consumed
- M1 = Molarity of 1M hydrochloric acid VS
- V2 = Volume of 1M Sodium hydroxide VS taken
- Storage: Store the solution in Polyolefin stoppered bottle.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day.
Preparation of 0.1M Sodium Thiosulphate
- Solution Preparation:
- Dissolve 25 g of sodium thiosulphate and 0.2 g of sodium carbonate in sufficient carbon dioxide-free water to produce 1000 ml.
- Standardization:
- Ascertain its exact concentration in the following manner.
- To 20 ml of 0.0167M potassium bromate Volumetric Solution add 40 ml of water, 10 ml of potassium iodide solution and 5 ml of 7M hydrochloric acid.
- Titrate with the sodium thiosulphate solution using 1 ml of starch solution, added towards the end of the titration, as indicator.
- Each ml of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate Volumetric Solution is equivalent to 2.784 mg of KBrO3.
- Calculation:
V1 x M1
M2 =——————————————–
- Where :
- V1 = Volume of 0.0167M potassium bromate VS taken
- M1 = Molarity of 0.0167M potassium bromate VS
- V2 = Volume of 0.1M sodium thiosulphate VS consumed
- Storage: Store the solution in glass stoppered bottle.
- Frequency:
- Preparation : After one month
- Re-Standardization : Once in a day.
4.0 Reference (S) – Volumetric Solution :
- British Pharmacopoeia (BP)
5.0 Annexure (S) – Volumetric Solution :
Annexure I: Record of preparation & standardization of volumetric solutions
Name of Solution : | |
Batch Number: |
Preparation Record:
B. No. of Chemical | Manufacturer | ||
Weight / Volume taken | Diluted to volume | ||
Date of preparation | Validity of solution |
Standardization Record:
Volumetric Standard / Solution | Equivalence factor | ||
Batch Number | Solvent used | ||
Preliminary Treatment | |||
Standardization Date | Next due date |
Weight of Volumetric Standard / Volume of Titrant | Burette reading | Normality / Molarity |
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. | ||
Average | ||
% RSD (NMT 0.2%) |
Normality / Molarity =
Annexure II : Label of Volumetric Standard Solution
Name | ||||
Batch No. | ||||
Valid Upto | ||||
Prepared By / Date | ||||
Checked By / Date | ||||
Actual Molarity /Normality | ||||
Standardized by/Date | ||||
Checked By/ Date |
Annexure III : Record of Re-standardization of Volumetric Solution
Name of solution : | |
Batch Number: | |
Date of preparation: | Validity of solution: |
Standardization Record:
Volumetric Standard / Solution | Equivalence factor | |||
Batch Number | Solvent used | |||
Preliminary Treatment | ||||
Standardization Date | Next due date | |||
Weight of Volumetric Standard / Volume of Titrant | Burette reading | Normality / Molarity |
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. | ||
Average | ||
% RSD (NMT 0.2%) |
Normality / Molarity =
% Variance from initial = (Current strength – Initial strength) x 100 =
(NMT 1.0%) Initial strength
Standardized by Checked by
Annexure IV : Volumetric Solution Preparation and Standardization Log.
Name of Volumetric Solution:__________________
Sr. No. | Batch No. | Prepared
By / Date |
Standardized By/ Date | Normality / Molarity | % Variance from initial (NMT 1.0 %) | Checked By |
Annexure V : Identification number of Volumetric Solution.
Sr. No. | Name of Volumetric solution | ID. No. of the Solution |
01. | 0.1M Ammonium Thiocyanate Solution | VS01 |
02. | 0.1 M Ceric Ammonium Sulphate Solution
(0.1 M Ammonium Cerium (IV) Sulphate Solution) |
VS02 |
03. | 0.1M Cerium (IV) Sulfate Solution | VS03 |
04. | 0.05 M Disodium Edetate Solution | VS04 |
05. | 0.1 M Disodium Edetate solution | VS05 |
06. | 0.1M Ferrous ammonium sulfate Solution | VS06 |
07. | 0.1M Ferric ammonium sulfate Solution | VS07 |
08. | 1 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution | VS08 |
09. | 0.1 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution | VS09 |
10. | 0.05 M Iodine Solution | VS10 |
11. | 0.1 M Lead Nitrate Solution | VS11 |
12. | 0.1 M Perchloric Acid Solution | VS12 |
13. | 0.1M Sodium Hydroxide Solution | VS13 |
14. | 1M Sodium Hydroxide Solution | VS14 |
15. | 0.1 M Sodium Hydroxide Solution Ethanolic | VS15 |
16. | 0.5 M Sulphuric Acid Solution | VS16 |
17. | 0.05M Sulphuric Acid Solution | VS17 |
18. | 0.02M Sulphuric Acid Solution | VS18 |
19. | 0.1M Silver Nitrate Solution | VS19 |
20. | 0.1M Sodium Thiosulphate Solution | VS20 |
21. | 0.004M Benzothonium Hydrochloride Solution | VS21 |
22. | 0.1 M Titanium Trichloride Solution | VS22 |
23. | 0.5 M Hydrochloric Acid Solution | VS23 |
24. | 0.5 M Sodium Hydroxide Solution | VS24 |