Standard Operating Procedure for operation and cleaning of the colloid mill. contains Checks & Precautions, Cleaning procedure for product to product changeover, batch to batch changeover, etc.
SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Colloid Mill
1.0 Purpose:
- The purpose of this SOP is to define the cleaning and operating procedure for Colloid Mill.
2.0 Scope:
- This procedure is applicable for the cleaning and operation of Colloid Mill used at the drug formulation plant.
3.0 References & Annexures:
- Equipment manual
- SOP for Area & Equipment Usage Log
4.0 Responsibilities:
- Production Operator:
- To perform the cleaning and operation of Colloid Mill as per SOP.
- Production Officer:
- To check proper cleaning and operation of Colloid Mill as per SOP.
- To maintain the Area & Equipment Usage Log.
- User Department Head or Designee:
- To ensure the cleaning and operation of Colloid Mill as per SOP
- Quality Assurance:
- To ensure the cleaning and operation of Colloid Mill as per SOP
- Regulatory Affairs, Quality Head and Plant Head:
- To review and approve the SOP.
5.0 Distribution:
- Production
- Quality Assurance
6.0 Abbreviations:
- BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record
- MRO: Material Requisition Order
- QA: Quality Assurance
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
7.0 Procedure:
Checks & Precautions:
- Wear acid and alkali proof hand gloves, nose mask (wear protective head gear), cleaning while cleaning.
- Cover Colloid Mill motor cabinet with polybag during the cleaning of the equipment.
- During process operators, the helper must wear a nose mask, headgear, secondary gown, and hand gloves.
Cleaning procedure for product to product change over:
- Ensure that ‘To be Cleaned’ label is put on the equipment.
- Pour 5 liter of potable water into the hopper & then press the start button (Green color button) to run the Colloid mill for 5 min.
- Discharge the potable water from hopper.
- Scrub the previous batch adhered material on colloid Mill using a 2% non-ionic solution with the help of nylon scrubber.
Also visit : Hold Time Study of Cleaned Equipment (CEHT)
- Pour 1 liter of 2% Non-ionic solution & run the equipment for 5 min & then discharge.
- Pour 5 liter of potable water into the hopper & then press the start button to run the Colloidmill for 5 min& then discharge.
- Take 5 liters purified water into the mill and circulate for 5 minutes and then discard.
- Switch ‘OFF’ (Pressing of Red color button) electrical supply and wipe out with dry clean cloth.
- Note: The cleaning of the equipment remains valid for 48 hours.
- If the equipment is not used within 48 hours, then it should Re cleaned as per product changeover before use.
Cleaning Procedure for the batch to batch changeover:
- Ensure that ‘To be Cleaned’ label is put on the equipment.
- Switch ‘OFF’ the mains.
- Wipe the external body with a dry clean duster.
- Check for the cleanliness of the colloid mill.
- Attach partial clean card and take line clearance from QA.
- Note: The cleaning of the equipment remains valid for 48 hours.
- If the equipment is not used within 48 hours, then it should Re cleaned as per product changeover before use.
Operating procedure:
- Affix ‘Under Process’ label on the equipment.
- Switch ‘ON’ the equipment.
- Transfer the solvent mentioned qty. for milling in BMR & MRO.
- Press the start button & mill for the required time mentioned in BMR.
- Place a cleaned SS tank under the discharge point.
- After completion of milling discharge, the milled solution in the SS tank placed below the discharge point of the colloid mill.
- Keep the discharge valve open for the single-pass requirement.
- Keep the discharge valve closed for multi-pass requirement; adjust the rate of fluid discharge by controlling the discharge valve opening.
- Switch ‘OFF’ the electric supply.
- Remove the ‘Under Process’ label.
- Affix ‘To be Cleaned label’ on the equipment.