Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to define the detailed procedure regarding Pest & Rodent Control in Pharmaceuticals drug manufacturing plant.
Pest & Rodent Control Procedure
1.0 Purpose:
- The purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Pest & Rodent Control treatment in the plant.
2.0 Scope:
- This procedure is applicable for controlling the pest and rodent in the
- Factory premises,
- Factory premises,
- General corridor,
- Service floor,
- Administration Block,
- Canteen,
- Utility,
- Change room, and
- The outer periphery of the premises and for the cleaning of the interlocutors.
3.0 Attachments – Pest & Rodent Control:
- Observation Report of General Disinfestations (Pest & Rodent Control) – Attachment –1.
- Check/Replacement Record For Baits & Glue pad (Pest & Rodent Control)- Attachment – 2.
- Record of Cleaning of Insectocutor (Pest & Rodent Control)Attachment – 3.
- Observation Report on Lizard control (Pest & Rodent Control)Attachment – 4.
- Observation Report on Spider control (Pest & Rodent Control)Attachment – 5.
- Report on Flies control, Mosquito control, and Cockroach Control (Pest & Rodent Control) – Attachment– 6.
4.0 Responsibilities – Pest & Rodent Control:
Office Assistant-Personnel & Administration shall be responsible for :
- To check that Pest control is carried out in all departments.
- To check Rodent Control is done properly at proper place and baits are placed properly.
- Ensure Insectocutors are working and cleaned as per procedure by housekeeping personnel.
Executive- Personnel & Administration shall be responsible for :
- To arrange activity as per procedure and document it.
- Renewal of the service contract with the pest & rodent control agency.
- To supervise the pest & rodent control activity as per pest control schedule and service contract.
- To check and review the pest & rodent control report.
Quality Assurance shall be responsible for :
- To review the Pest and Rodent control reports.
5.0 Procedure for Pest & Rodent Control :
- As a policy both Pest Control & Rodent Control are carried out by an external recognized expert agency.
- Service contracts with the pest & rodent control agency shall be reviewed on yearly basis.
For Rodent control (Glue Process):
- Glue pads are used only in special cases like noticing a rodent in a particular area.
- Provide the glue pads as and when required.
- If any Rodent is caught in the glue trape alive it shall be released outside the premises.
For Rodent control (baiting with slow poison)
- Keep poisonous baits at a distance of about 20 feet from each other as per map.
- If any dead rat found to dispose of it by burying in the land.
- Record the observation in Attachment no. -2.
- Frequency: Every twice in a month for observing & replacing poison baits.
For General disinfestation (Pest and Rodent Control) :
- Area includes:
- Administration Block/Security Block
- Dining Hall, Toilets, and change room
- Outer Periphery
- Utility and service area
- Receiving bay and dispatch bay
- Staircase of non-production area
- Spray the area as per pest control map disinfestation plan with following concentration of Pesticides as per the schedule of the contractor.
Brand Name | Generic name /Label claim | Uses |
Nuvan | D.D.V.P – 76% E.C | To kill a wide range of house fly -Outside area |
Cymbus | Cypermethrin 25% E.C. | To kill wide broad-spectrum insects. |
Dursban | Chlorphyriphos 20% E.C | To kill termite control. |
Brand Name | Generic name /Label claim | Uses |
Malathion | Malathion 50 % E.C | General Arthopodian |
Pine oil | Pine oil | To kill the mosquito. |
Roban cake | Bromodiolene 0.05% | Used for rodent control. |
Decis | Deltamethrin 2.80% | To kill wide broad-spectrum insects. |
Alt | Glue 50 gms | To trap the rat in the glue plate. |
Baygon | 20% E.C. | Crawling insects (Inside) |
- Prepare a mixture of the above-mentioned Pesticides in water so as to give the desired concentration.
- Ensure that person spraying the pesticides is fully protected with personal protective equipment masks, hand gloves, etc.
- Clean the area thoroughly the next day morning.
- Frequency of General disinfestation: Fortnightly spray to be done.
- Document the spraying activity and observation as per attachment no. 1
- Insectocutors are electrical devices that contain blue colored tube lights and a wire net with high voltage current.
- These are placed at all the entry points so as to trap a flying insect and prevent it from entering the production area or ancillary areas.
- Insectocutors are required to remain ON all 24 hours of the day.
- Clean the interlocutors at least once a week by the following procedure:
- Switch OFF the electrical supply and open the cover.
- Clean the wire net and make it free of dead insects
- Count and empty out the insect collection tray into a bin. Wipe the tray clean.
- Clean the surface of the Insectocutor by wiping with the duster and refit the tray.
- Switch ON the Insectocutor.
- Record the date of cleaning and the next due date and numbers of insects found in the attachment no. 3
Lizard Control :
- Area includes:
- Administration Block/Security Block
- Dining Hall/Toilet and change room
- Outer Periphery
- Hoist
- Utility Service area
- Receiving bay and dispatch bay
- Staircase of non-production area
- Carry out the spray as per schedule with the pesticides of appropriate concentration once in a fortnight.
- Check the area for any lizard and remove the dead lizard if any by burying in the land.
- Document the spraying activity and observation in the attachment no. 4
- The frequency of lizard control is once in a week.
Spider Control :
- Area includes:
- Administration Block/Security Block
- Dining Hall, Toilet, and Changeroom
- Outer Periphery
- Hoist
- Utility service area
- Receiving bay and dispatch bay
- Staircase of non-production area.
- Carry out the spray as per schedule with the following pesticides of appropriate concentration
- Document the spraying activity and observation in the attachment no. 5.
- The frequency of Spider Control is fortnightly.
Flies, Mosquito, and Cockroach Control :
- Area includes:
- Administration Block/Security Block
- Dining Hall, Toilet, and Changeroom
- Outer Periphery
- Hoist
- Utility Service area
- Receiving bay and dispatch bay
- Staircase of non-production area
- Carry out the spray as per schedule with the pesticides of appropriate
- Check the area for any cockroach. Remove the dead cockroach if any by burying in the land.
- Document the spraying activity and observation in the attachment no. 6
- The frequency of Mosquito and Cockroach Control is monthly.
Attachment –1: Observation Report of General Disinfestations
Sr. No. | Date | Location/area | Pest control service | Observation | Checked by |
Attachment – 2: Check/Replacement Record For Baits & Glue pad
Frequency: Twice a Month. Month/Year :
Date of Observation |
Date of Replacement | Baits Stations | Observation | Signature of pest control personnel (In case of replacement) | Checked by
P & A |
Remarks |
Attachment – 3: Record of Cleaning of Insectocutor
Month/Year :
Insectocutor No.: | Location: |
Frequency: Weekly
Date of Cleaning | Cleaned by | Next Cleaning Date
Observation | Checked by |
Attachment – 4: Observation Report on Lizard control
Frequency of Pest Control Service: Once in a fortnight | Month/Year : |
Name of Agency: Pest-Stop pest control |
Name of Chemical |
Concentration |
Use |
Sr. No. | Date | Location/area | Pest control service | Observation | Checked by |
Attachment – 5: Observation Report on Spider control
Format Same as above (Refer Attachment No. 4)
Attachment– 6: Report on Flies control, Mosquito control, and Cockroach Control
Format Same as above (Refer Attachment No. 4)