Standard Operating Procedure for On-site Emergency Plan : The main purpose of the on Site Emergency Plan is for effective mobilization of resources in order to: save lives, rescue victim, minimize injury, timely treatment to the injured personnel, Identify the dead / casualty and minimize the extent of the damage to the resources, inform relatives of casualties, alert the community around and about the actual danger
On Site Emergency Plan / Evacuation Plan
1.0 Objective :
- The main purpose of the On Site Emergency Plan SOP is for management of on site emergency plan in pharmaceuticals / API manufacturing plant.
2.0 Scope of SOP for On Site Emergency Plan
- This procedure for the On-site emergency plan is applicable to the premises of pharmaceutical plant.
3.0 Responsibility :
- It will be a joint responsibility of all concerned persons of the departments as explained of this SOP.
- Head of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) shall be responsible for monitoring and overall compliances.
4.0 Procedure for Execution of On-site emergency plan :
- Introduction of On-site emergency plan
- Normally, it is not possible to completely eliminate the emergency situation, but it is definitely possible to control them.
- An emergency if uncontrolled may cause a disaster and a disaster may create a catastrophe.
- Hence advance planning and proper training to each and every employee in the emergency situation is very essential to prevent any misunderstanding and disorder during an emergence.
- Keeping above in view, this plan titled “On site emergency plan” outlines the basic course of action to be followed by employees in case of
- Major fire or explosion,
- Chemical spill,
- Release of toxic, flammable or hazardous chemical or
- Any natural calamities which may occur either in or around the plan premises.
- The highest ranking technical present in the Plant at the time of the emergency shall have the overall responsibility of supervising and co-coordinating the course of action to be taken to tackle that emergency.
- Everyone concerned shall be thoroughly familiar with his responsibility as mention in this plan.
- Particulars of the Site:
- M/s _____________ is located at ________________. the ___________ site is spanning over an area of approx.__________ Sq. Mtrs.
What is On-Site Emergency Plan?
- An emergency which may cause serious injuries, loss of life, extensive damage to property or environment or serious disruption inside the plant, or the events that are commonly having serious impacts like major fire hazards, causing serious burns to personnel or resulting in collapse of structure or release of toxic substances in the environment and in condition of natural calamities.
Hazard Potential Area
Following emergencies may occur at various areas in the Plant :
- Fire and Explosion
- Solvent Storage Room
- Boiler/DG House
- S.D. Storage Tanks
- Packing Material Stores
- Tablet Coating Section
- Granulation Areas
- Laboratory gas cylinder storage area
Spillage of Toxic Substance (On-site emergency plan)
- Acid, Alkali
- Food Poisoning and Contamination of water
- Drinking Water points in the plant
- Canteen Food
- Name Of the Utilities Used
- Steam
- Cooling water
- Chilling water
- Vacuum
- Compressed Air
- Nitrogen/Hydrogen/Helium etc
- P.G./Oxygen
- Facilities available to tackle the emergencies (On-site emergency plan)
- 160 KL of water is available along with hydrant system of 137 cubic mtr/hr capacity. which may be used for firefighting purpose if required.
- Sufficient numbers of fire extinguishers are available for firefighting purpose.
- Sufficient number of trained fire fighters and trained first aiders available within the plant to extinguish any fire and attend emergency.
Sufficient number of Personal Protective Equipment’s are available within the plant like
- Cartridge type face mask
- Safety Helmets
- Safety Goggles
- PVC Apron and Overalls suits
- Hand Gloves and Safety Shoes etc
- Vehicle is always available within the plant for emergency operations like shifting of injured to Hospital.
- A network of intercom facilities available in all departments. Any message can be communicated within no time.
- Material safety data sheets of all chemical used within the plant are available.
- The critical areas of production and utility buildings are provided with emergency lights & Torches.
- First aid boxes are provided in the relevant areas in order to give immediate medical attention, in case minor injury.
- Emergency Plan Siren Codes
- Emergency : Wailing Siren for one minute(e.g. police wailing siren)
- Evacuation : Wailing Siren for three minutes. To be blown only on instruction from SMC.
- All Clear : Continuous for one minute.
- Testing of Alarm
- Every Sunday 11.00 hrs. All the alarms shall be blown for testing purpose only.
Rehearsal/Mock drill – On site Emergency Plan
- In disaster, management time is very important, the initial few minutes are very critical and timely action may control the emergency.
- It is essential that each individual shall be made aware of emergency rehearsal, which will impact procedure and their individual roles through proper training.
- It is necessary to test through necessary expertise to individuals to act quickly in case of a real emergency.
- This will help in identifying the deficiencies in the procedures and the likely difficulties, that may be encountered during implementation hence rehearsal of the plan will be undertaken at an interval of specific time period or when any new substance is introduced in the process or in the event of a serious accident taking place.
- Mock Drills Frequency
- Mock Drill – Once in 06 month ± 01 month, Mock drill attendance shall be record in Annexure – VII.
Emergency Measures
Action to be taken in case of fire
- All concerned persons shall take following steps in case of fire:
- Person who spots fire shall not get panic.
- First, he shall spot exact location of fire and assess the situation, then shout “Fire — Fire” at the top of his voice and Inform at Emergency Control Centre.
- Security informs to Main Site Controller available within the plant.
- Main Site Controller reaches the Emergency Control Centre and confirms the situation from incident controller or person who spot fire and blows the respective Emergency Siren if require.
- On hearing Emergency Siren, all available trained fire fighters and first aiders within the plant shall report at assembly point in front of Admin. Block.
- After investigating, if require Main Site Controller deputes the trained fire fighters to extinguish the fire. Fire fighters reach the site of the incident to extinguish fire.
- Fire fighters immediately extinguish the fire with the help of fire extinguishers or hydrant water hose available nearby.
- Only trained and experienced fire fighters shall do this work.
- Affected persons if any shall be remove from the place and take to Occupational Health Centre for first aid.
First aid shall be given quickly by trained first aiders.
- Other persons who are not concerned with actual firefighting operation shall evacuate the place and assemble at nearby assembly points.
- The area shall be cordoned off and no unauthorized person shall be allow to reach near the place of fire.
- If necessary isolate power supply or respective HVAC system of affected areas, by informing Utility — Electrical and Plant Maintenance Department. If necessary, plant may be shut down in safe manner.
- The flammable materials shall be shifted to a safe place.
- Whenever necessary cool nearby structure / equipment / storage vessel to reduce heat effect.
- During the firefighting operation, check the direction of windward side so that fumes does not affect.
- If fire gets uncontrollable, respective external sources like fire brigade etc. shall be called for.
- Clear the road from traffic obstructions.
- When fire is extinguished, don’t leave the place immediately; re-check the place thoroughly to prevent restart of fire.
- Used fire extinguishers shall be sent to refill and unused ones shall be put back in its original location. Inform safety/engineering department regarding usage of fire extinguishers and further action.
Action to be taken in case of gas/ vapour leakage
- The affected areas shall be evacuated and cordoned off immediately. Inform at Emergency Control Centre.
- Security informs to Main Site Controller available within the plant.
- Main Site Controller reaches the Emergency Control Centre and confirms the situation from incident controller and blow the respective Emergency Siren if require.
- On hearing Emergency Siren, all available trained fire fighters and first aiders within the plant shall report at assembly point in front of Admin.
- Block. After investigating, if require Main Site Controller deputes the trained persons to handle the emergency situation.
- Only trained and experienced personnel approach the area with suitable Personal Protective Equipment’s after getting instruction from Main Site Controller.
- Ensure that only essential personnel are in the affected areas. Others shall assemble at nearby assembly points.
- Approach from the windward side, so that escaping gas vapor is carried downwind and you are not exposed to it.
- Rescue person trapped/injured, shall be asked to put wet cloth on nose and mouth for evacuation.
- Persons present in other building shall close their window and doors to prevent any entry of leaked gases.
- Sources of leakage shall be traced out and the system is isolated from other equipment’s.
- If required, pedestal fans may be used to bring down the gas connection within permissible limit. Such decision shall be taken in consultation with plant In-charge.
- Affected person shall be provided with necessary medical aid.
Action to be taken in case of Flammable solvent leakage/spillage
- Heat and ignition sources in the vicinity shall be remove immediately.
- Keep CO2 or DCP type fire extinguisher ready.
- Plug the leakage.
- Transfer the liquid to a safe container.
- If there is any doubt, consult MSDS of particular solvent.
- Petrol/Diesel engine driven vehicles shall not be allow to enter plant area.
- Ensure that flammable materials do not enter storm water drain.
- If leakage is inside plant, exhaust fan may be stared for early dissipation of vapour.
- Spilled material shall be absorbed on dry sand or clay. Contaminated sand or clay should be incinerated.
Action to be taken in case of Leakage / rupture of H.S.D tanks
- Area shall be evacuated immediately and cordoned off.
- Affected persons shall be thoroughly washed using clean water and given necessary medical aid.
- Personnel entering the area shall make use of suitable PPE.
- Leaked tank shall be de-pressurized immediately by transferring remaining quantity into another tank or container.
- Leakage source shall be traced out and plugged.
- Do not bring heat source nearby
- If possible, spilled material shall be contained in dyke and transferred into a container.
- If not, then the same shall be absorbed on sand or earth manually.
- Absorbing in saw dust or other combustible material shall be avoided.
- If spilled material gets into the trench of electrical cables, it shall be drained with nature gradient and washed with large quality of water continuously de — energizing the first.
- If spilled material gets into the storm water drainage shall be washed with large quantity of water and collected in Effluent Treatment Plant.
- The collected liquid shall be either neutralizes or oil layers shall be removed manually.
Action to be taken in case of food poisoning
- In case of suspected food poisoning or contamination of water, following guidelines may be followed:
- Quickly ask the conscious casualty what has happened, remember that he may lose consciousness at any time.
- Immediately take action to prevent further distribution / use of contaminated food/water.
- Place the casualty in the recovery position.
- If conscious give him plenty of fluids to drink.
- Do not induce vomiting.
- If consciousness is lost, follow the standard ” Artificial Resuscitation” procedure
- If in doubt arrange removal to hospital.
Action to be taken in case of Natural calamities
- In case of suspected natural calamities like earthquake Following guidelines may be followed
- Immediately take action to reach the safe assembly point.
- Place the casualty in the recovery position.
- A nominated person of personnel dept. to record the name and departments of those reporting there, at each assembly point used during the emergency.
- Affected persons If any shall be removed from the place and first aid shall be given quickly by trained persons.
- Whenever any emergency is declared employees are required to assemble at either of following two assembly points.
- In front of main administration building.
- In front of material gate.
- A nominated person of personnel dept. to record/headcount the name and departments of those reporting there, at each assembly point used during the
- This information shall be communicated to the Main Site Controller without delay.
- This is place from where the operations to handle the emergency are directed and co-ordinate.
- Emergency Control Centre shall be at Main Security Office
- Emergency Control Center is equipped with following:
- Adequate contact numbers of Fire Fighters, First Aiders.
- STD Facilities
- EPBX system, which will enable immediate contact to any location inside the factory.
- Fire Brigade, Police or others require contact numbers list
- The Drawing and plans of factory illustrate
- Emergency Exit layout
- Areas where there are large inventories of hazardous materials e.g. tank, drums storage, compressed gas cylinder are stored etc.
- Location of safety equipment storage
- Location of Fire extinguishers
- Factory entrance and road system layout
- Assembly points, Occupational Health Center.
- Location of factory in relation to surrounding community.
- Additional drawings and plant of the factory to illustrate during the emergency
- Main Site Controller
- QC Head
- HR Head
- Plant Head
- QA Head
- Engineering Head
- Security Officer
- During Silent hours Engineering Shift in charge
- Incident Controller
- QC Head
- HR Head
- Plant Head
- QA Head
- Engineering Head
- Security Officer
During Silent hours Concerned department shift in charge
- Duties of key personnel
- Once the emergency siren is raised, the work emergency procedures shall activate. As part of them nominated key personnel shall have specified responsibilities.
- They shall appoint their deputies to act in their absence or incapacity. The scope of individual responsibilities is specified as follows:
- Main Site Controller
- Plant head or higher authority of plant available at the time of Emergency.
- He shall go the Emergency Control Center as soon as he is aware of the Emergency and take over charge. His duties include:
- Get complete information of incident. Remain there and try to establish contact with incident controller and ask him about help, he may need to tackle the emergency.
- Guide all fire fighters, first alders, incident controller about actions to be taken.
- If required call key personnel and outside services like :
- Fire Brigade Doctor(s)
- Ambulance
- Water Tanker
- Police, Etc.
Establish communication and liaise with Agencies like :
- Factory inspector
- Pollution Control Board
- Police and other Government Officials
- Guide and control the traffic movement in the works
- Ensure that causalities are attended to.
- Ensure that the relatives of causalities are informed.
- Arrange for Personnel to be relieved in time and ensure that they are provided with food and drinks.
- Control the cleanup and rehabilitation of affected area the emergency.
- Inform head office about the emergency and actions taken overtime it.
Safety/Engineering Head
- Proceed to the scene of incident.
- Assess the situation and guide supervisor and others in containing the situation.
- Liase with Main Site Controller, Incident Controller, Security Officer and Emergency Control Room in firefighting operations, evacuation procedure and cordoning off the areas and other measures depending upon the situation.
- Inform works Main Site Controller regarding progress of the situation and give technical guidance from Safety/Environment point of view as may be warranted.
- To ensure that emergency is confined in restricted zone.
- Lease with outside agencies like fire brigade , Ambulance etc
- Investigate cause of Incident and make preliminary report with the practical remedial. Measures to prevent the similar emergencies or incident.
- Initiate a draft of report to be sent to Govt. departments.
- Liase with Factory Inspector / Pollution Control Board with permission of Works Main Controller.
The Incident Controller (On site emergency plan)
- On Hearing of the emergency, he shall rush to the accident side and take charge of all over situations.
- Assess the size and nature of emergency.
- Decide if major emergency exists or is likely to happen.
- Inform the Main Site Controller above the gravity of the situation and is required ask for help.
- Direct all operations within the affected areas with the priorities for safety of personnel.
- Minimize damage to plant property and environment.
- Direct the shutdown and evacuation of Plant and areas likely to be adversely affected by the emergency.
- Ensure that all key personnel and outside help are called in and reach the spot.
- To ensure timely rectification of unsafe conditions, which caused the emergency.
- To ensure that the endangered area is isolated by shutting doors and windows.
- Collect all relevant information. Arrange for photographs if necessary and submit his report.
- Investigate cause of incident and make a preliminary report with practical remedial measures to prevent similar emergencies incidents.
Engineering Utility Department
- Engineering-in-charge and electrician shall report to supervisor/incident controller.
- If required isolate power supply and other utility service, especially hot oil and steam supply.
- if required arrange for alternative power source i.e. D.G. etc.
- They will try their level best to ensure that chilled water and pneumatic supply remains normal in emergency.
- Be near accident spot to assist incident controller.
HR and Admin Department
- Report at assembly point at Emergency Control Centre and follow the instruction of works Main Site Controller.
- To take roll call assembly point with the help of Security Supervisor / Time Keeper and identify missing personnel.
- Inform Incident controller and Works Controller of missing personnel.
- To ensure that causalities receive adequate attention and hospitalized.
- Inform their relatives.
- Initiate action to inform statutory authorities, as may be directed by the Main Controller.
- Liaise with Government Officials with permission of Works Main Controller.
- Security Officer
- Once hearing any emergency call, he shall immediately rush to the spot along with guards.
- One guard to remain at the gate to control entry of traffic and attend the calls.
- Only Company Officials to be allowed in. No Visitor except fire brigade, Doctor, Police and other Government Officials to be allowed inside.
- Help in extinguishing fire, evacuation of trapped employees and cordoning off the accident site.
- Help in shifting of injured to the hospital by arranging transport.
- Search the area for casualties.
- Post a guard at accident site in order to prohibit unauthorized entry and to see that area is undisturbed till the investigation is over.
- Liaise with Police authorities with the permission of works Main Site Controller.
- Keep main gate and approach road clear so that if outside emergency vehicle are needed, the road will not be blocked.
Plant Supervisor
- Inform the Senior Officials immediately.
- Keep help from Safety and Security department.
- Assess the situation and order general evaluations.
- Rescue persons trapped/ injured and arrange for their First aid.
- Shut down Plant in side a safe manner after consulting Main Incident Controller and try to control emergency.
- Ensure that steam is closed. Cooling system is on. The vacuum is broken and all input values have been closed.
- Direct fire-fighting team about causes of fire and about the areas where water cannot be applied.
- Record all evidence.
- Be in control of situation till senior officials arrive. Submit detailed report to them.
- Co-ordinate with Security and HR department in roll call and timely shifting of injured to Hospital.
- Send duly filled in department accident form to HR department.
- Supervisor of the affected area should ensure that trained fire fighting and first alder’s go to the incident place and all employees are present their respective assembly area.
- Be in touch with the supervisor of the affected area for any assistance needed them.
- Firefighting Personnel
- Personnel trained in firefighting operation shall reach the accident spot immediately.
- Determine the cause of fire and accordingly use suitable fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire
- Do not allow others to come near the fire.
- Adopt laid procedure for fire fighting and evacuation purpose.
First Aid Trained Personnel
- Personnel trained in first aid procedure shall reach the accident spot immediately.
- Identify injured and help in evacuating operation.
- Assess the cause and natures of injury.
- Give first aid accordingly.
- If condition is serious accompany them to hospital as may be directed.
- Contractors
- If incident is within your area of work, stop all work and report to security gate office.
- Take a roll call of your workers and inform Security and HR Department immediately if any person is missing.
- General Mass
- If danger exists in some corner of your building of your building and you are not trained either in first aid or firefighting stop / close your machine as per SOP and assemble at specified safer zone.
- Stay there till the clear Siren is given.
- Telephone Operator
- On hearing emergency call the Operator. If available shall not leave EPBX Room and will inform the Concerned authorize about emergency.
- Note: The lists should be revised twice in a year as per annexure – II, annexure – III annexure – IV and annexure – V.
EHS Committee – Frequency Half Yearly ±01 Month
- EHS Committee members shall be appointed and list shall be prepared as per Annexure-VIII
- Make the agenda for the EHS committee meeting.
- EHS Head/Designee shall inform the date, time, venue and agenda to the EHS committee members.
- EHS committee members shall explain the status of last EHS committee meeting points.
- All members of committee shall provide the EHS related points/issues of their respective department.
- The attendance of meeting shall be maintained by EHS in-charge/officer as per annexure -IX.
- Note: The annexure-VIII shall be review Once in a year. EHS Committee members shall be responsible in the absence of EHS person.
Annexure-I : Maximum inventory of Hazardous substances
Sr. No. | Name of Hazardous Material | Chemical Name | Storage Area | Maximum Storage Capacity | Available Quantity |
Prepared By: Verified By :
Annexure-II : List of Trained Fire Fighters Personnel
Sr. No. |
Employee ID | Name of Trained Personnel |
Department |
Prepared By: Verified By :
Annexure-III : List of Trained First Alders Personnel
Sr. No. |
Employee ID | Name of Trained Personnel |
Department |
Prepared By: Verified By :
Annexure-IV : List of Outside Agencies and Telephone Numbers
Sr. No. | Name of Agencies | Telephone Number |
Prepared By: Verified By :
Annexure-V : List of Intercom Numbers
Sr. No. | Department / Authorities | Intercom Number |
Prepared By: Verified By :
Annexure-VI : Mock Drill Attendance Sheet
Sr. No. |
Date | Department | Total No. of Person Available |
Remark (if any) |
Signature of Main Site Controller :
Annexure-VII : List of EHS Committee Members
Sr. No. | Employee ID | Name | Department | Designation |
Prepared By: Authorized By :
Annexure- VIII : Attendance sheet of EHS Committee Members
Sr. No. | Name | Department | Designation | Employee ID | Signature |