Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for cleaning and operation of Mechanical Stirrer used in granulation at drug product manufacturing in pharmaceuticals.
SOP for Cleaning and Operation of Mechanical Stirrer
- The purpose of this SOP is to lay down the cleaning and operation procedure for Mechanical Stirrer.
2.0 SCOPE:
- This SOP is applicable for the cleaning and operation of the Mechanical Stirrer installed in the granulation section of the production department at the drug manufacturing plant.
- SOP for “ Type A & Type B Cleaning
- The operator shall be responsible for the operation and cleaning of the machine as per the defined procedure.
- Production Supervisor shall ensure cleaning and operation as per defined procedure, provide training to the new operators before involving in operation and maintain all necessary records.
- Department Head or Designee shall be responsible for the follow-up and review of the SOP.
- Quality Assurance shall be responsible for the Compliance and approval of the SOP.
- BMR: Batch Manufacturing Record (Click here for SOP)
- Dept: Department
- IPA: Isopropyl Alcohol
- NA: Not Applicable
- NLT: Not Less Than
- QA: Quality Assurance
- SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
Checks & Precautions – SOP for Mechanical Stirrer:
- Wear hand gloves and mask while working.
- Maintain the equipment sequential log.
Cleaning Procedure of Mechanical Stirrer :
- Product to Product Cleaning Procedure:
- Ensure that ‘To be Cleaned’ label is affix on the equipment.
- Switch ‘OFF’ the mains of the Stirrer.
- Remove the stirrer shaft from stirrer and then clean with NLT 2 liters of potable water.
- Then scrub the stirrer shaft with half liters of 2% non-ionic detergent solution using the scrubber to remove the adhering materials.
- Wash the stirrer shaft with NLT 2 liters of potable water to remove adhered materials and non-ionic detergent solution.
- Finally, rinse the stirrer with NLT 2 liters of Purified Water.
- Wipe out the Stirrer body and regulator with dry cloth or dry with compressed air.
- After ensuring the satisfactory cleanliness production personnel Intimate to QA, for line clearance.
Note: The cleaning of the equipment remains valid for 48 hours. If the equipment is not used within 48 hours, then it should be re-cleaned thoroughly before use.
Batch to Batch cleaning procedure:
- Ensure that the ‘To be Cleaned’ label is affix on the equipment.
- Switch ‘OFF’ the main of the stirrer.
- Remove the stirrer shaft from stirrer and then clean with NLT 2 liters of purified water.
- Wipe the body with the dry cloth or dry with compressed air.
- Check for the cleanliness of the Stirrer.
- After completion of the cleaning of Area and Equipment as per defined procedure, fill the details in Line clearance record / Sequential log.
Note: The cleaning of the equipment remains valid for 48 hours. If the equipment is not used within 48 hours, then it should be re-cleaned.
Operating procedure of Mechanical Stirrer:
- Affix ‘Under Process’ label on the Mechanical Stirrer equipment.
- Switch ‘ON’ the main of the Mechanical Stirrer.
- Ensure the proper fix of the dismantled stirrer shaft into the Mechanical Stirrer.
- Place the container in which solution to be prepared, below the Mechanical Stirrer.
- Adjust the stirrer blade in such a way that the blade deep in the Liquid materials/Solvent.
- Ensure the stirrer shaft should not friction with the solution container.
- Switch ON the Stirrer and regulator to start the rotation of Mechanical stirrer shaft.
- Adjust the RPM of stirrer shaft as per requirement by adjusting the knob on the regulator if available.
- Start solution preparation as per BMR.
- Switch ‘OFF’ the Stirrer after completion of solution preparation.
- Switch ‘OFF’ the main electric supply.
Note: Clean the stirrer shaft and motor after processing of each lot/ operation with purified water to remove all deposited binder material.
- Remove the ‘Under Process’ label.
- Affix ‘To be cleaned’ label on the equipment.
- Production
- Quality Assurance