Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Operation, Cleaning, and Performance Check for Refrigerator used to store the Microbiology Culture, Spores, Media, etc in the Microbiology Lab.
Refrigerator Used in Microbiology Lab
1.0 Purpose:
- The purpose of this SOP is to describe the Operation, Cleaning, and Performance check procedure of Refrigerator used for the storage of microbiology culture, media, etc.
2.0 Scope:
- This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to the Microbiology section of the Quality Control department for operation, cleaning, and performance check of the Refrigerator.
3.0 Reference : SOP for Refrigerator
- Operation Manual supplied by the manufacturer.
- SOP for Preparation of Internal and External (Third Party) Calibration Schedule and Calibration Practices”.
4.0 Responsibility- SOP for Refrigerator:
- Officer or Executive of the Microbiology department shall be responsible for Operation, Cleaning, and Performance check procedure of equipment.
- Head of the department/designee of respective areas & QA shall be responsible for reviewing the SOPs.
- Plant Head and Head-Quality shall be responsible for the approval of SOP.
- QA shall be responsible for the distribution and control of SOPs to various departments.
5.0 Abbreviations :
- °C: Degree Celsius unit
- °C: Degree Celsius unit
- CC: Change Control
- HOD: Head of Department
- IPA: Iso Propyl Alcohol
- Lab: Laboratory
- Micro: Microbiology
- P/N: Part Number
6.0 Procedure for Operation and Performance Check of Refrigerator:
- Close the door as early as possible.
- Do not overload the chamber and freeze with samples.
- Once the temperature is set, do not disturb the temperature and Freezer temperature button.
Operational procedure
- Ensure that the equipment power supply is connected. Switch “ON” the mains.
- Control the temperature through a temperature control knob.
- The temperature setting range between “COLD” TO “COLDEST”.
- Do not disturb the temperature controller knob, after getting the desired temperature (i.e. 2°C to 8°C).
- Similarly, select and set the “Air Flow Control” button of the freezer.
- Regulate the cooling by adjusting the thermostat switch to get the required temperature between 2°C to 8 °C, in different seasons i.e. winter, summer, or rainy season.
- Daily measure the temperature using a calibrated temperature-indicating device (For microbiology twice in a day).
- Record the temperature in the “Temperature log as per Annexure-1.
- In case of any discrepancies observed, inform the Quality Head or Designee immediately and put the “NOT TO BE USED” label, duly signed with the date.
Cleaning procedure:
- Frequency: Monthly / as and when required.
- For cleaning, disconnect the electric power supply, transfer the items or keep in another Freeze; wipe the outer surface with a dry clean cloth after that wipe off the inner surface with 2.5% Dettol solution followed with the purified water.
- Switch on the refrigerator and arrange the contents in an orderly manner.
- Ensure the refrigerator is clean and do cleaning as and when required.
- Make an entry in “Cleaning Log of Refrigerator” (Annexure–3).
- List of refrigerator contents is to be maintained as per Annexure-4
Calibration procedure of Refrigerator : ( For Third Party)
- As per validation protocol for Refrigerator.
7.0 Annexures – SOP for Refrigerator :
Annexure 1: Temperature Log of Refrigerator
Temperature Range: 2°C-8°C | |
Month : | Equipment Code No. : |
Date | Time |
Temperature (°C) |
Checked by | Remarks | |
Min. | Max. | ||||
Annexure 2: Equipment History Card
Equipment | Code No. | ||||||||||||
Make | Model | ||||||||||||
Installation on | Page No. | ||||||||||||
Name of service agency | |||||||||||||
S. No. |
Activity | Date of rectification | Date of Maintenance | Type of Maintenance | Part of any replace or P/N | Rectified by | Checked by | Done by | Checked by |
Remarks |
Annexure 3: Cleaning Log of Refrigerator
Cleaning frequency: Monthly | Code No.: |
Month | Date | Cleaning agent used | Cleaned by | Checked by |
Annexure 4: List of Refrigerator Contents
Equipment Code No.: |
S. No. | Material name | Quantity |