Cleaning of Pre-Filters, Microvee and Cartridge Filter

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for cleaning of Pre-filters, Microvee filters, and cartridge filter of the equipment ( AHU, FDV, Autocoaters, FBD,  RLAF, LAF, and Dust Collector ) installed in the Pharmaceutical Plant.

Procedure for Filter Cleaning

1.0   PURPOSE:

    • The purpose of this SOP is to define the procedure for cleaning Prefilters, Microvee filters, and cartridge filters (i.e. 10µ, 5µ, 3µ) of all the equipment/s.

2.0   SCOPE:

    • This procedure is applicable for cleaning of Prefilters, Microvee filters, and cartridge filters of the equipment ( AHU, FDV, Autocoaters, FBD,  RLAF, LAF, and Dust Collector ) installed in the Pharmaceutical Plant.



    • The user department shall be responsible to maintain the filters Cleaning Record and Update the Filter Cleaning Status Label of the respective department.
    • The engineering department shall be responsible to prepare the filter cleaning schedule and intimate to the concerned department before the planned date.
    • The engineering department shall be responsible to carry out filter cleaning activity and update filter cleaning status Label and schedule.
    • The quality Assurance department shall be responsible to ensure that the filter cleaning work is carried out as per define procedure.


    • AHU: Air Handling Unit
    • FDV: Force Draft Ventilation
    • RLAF: Reverse Laminar Air Flow
    • WC: Water Column
    • Prefilter: It is washable filters to control the dust particles of 5 micron and above.
    • Microvee Filter: It is washable filters to control dust particles of 3 micron and above.
    • It installed after the prefilters.


    • The frequency for Cleaning of Filters (Prefilters, Microvee filters, and cartridge filters). *For AHU, FDV, Autocoaters, Dust Collector, FBD :
    • 10 Days ± 2 days or
    • Whenever pressure difference reading is not within limit.
    • The differential working pressure range of AHU filters is 0 to 15 mm WC and DCU filters is 0 to 135 mm Water Coloum
    • The frequency for Cleaning of Prefilters for RLAF:
    • Twice in a month or whenever the pressure difference reading is not within limit. (Differential working pressure range of Reverse Laminar Air Flow filters is 1 to 5 mm)
  • Check and Precaution:

    • Ensure that no production activity is being performed while carrying out the filter cleaning.
    • Ensure that the main switch of the respective equipment is put off.
    • After re-fixing the filters ensure that all safety doors are properly closed.
  • Cleaning Procedure for Prefilters, microvee filters, and cartridge filters:

    • Affix the label on the respective equipment as “UNDER CLEANING “as per Annexure 1.
    • Switch off the main power of equipment.
    • Open the doors and remove dirty filters from the filter housing and keep inside polybag to avoid the spread of powder in the surrounding area.
    • Properly clean inside the area of equipment and collect any fallen dust on the surface.
    • We need to bring clean filters near the equipment for the immediate replacement of dirty filters.
    • Make sure that clean filters to bring in close polybags to avoid contamination.
    • Take out the cleaned filters from the polybag and fixed their proper position and closed the safety doors.
    • Remove the “UNDER CLEANING “label from the equipment.
    • Put ON the emergency switch and main switch of the respective equipment.
    • Switch on the equipment and ensure any air leakage from the doors. In case of any leakage arrest immediately rectify the leakages.
    • Transfer dirty filters to filter the cleaning area. Make sure all dirty filters packed in polybags to avoid the spread of powders.
    • Put ON the filter cleaning equipment and motor for the water circulation.

    • Keep the filters into the filter’s cleaning tank and clean with dry compressed air in the direction from the cleaned side to the opposite side.
    • After dry cleaning, clean the filters with potable water.
    • Dry the filters by applying dry compressed air.
    • Inspect the filters visually for cleanliness.
    • Repeat the cleaning if required.
    • Inspect the filters visually after the cleaning.
    • If found damaged, replace it with a new equivalent filter and discard the damaged filter.
    • Cleaned filters put on dryer for drying.
    • After drying the cleaned filters, filters wrap with cleaned polybag and transfer to the respective area with a label-” Cleaned Filter”.
    • Update the filter cleaning records, status label, and schedule as per Annexure No.1, 2, 3, 4.


Annexure 1: Status Label.



       Date:                                                                                       Sign:

Annexure 2: Filters Cleaning Record.


  Equipment Code  
Filter Rating (in Micron)  


Cleaning Done On Next Cleaning Due On Filter Intactness Ok/Not Ok Differential Pressure After filter Cleaning (mm WC) Done By Checked By Remarks
Pre Fine

Annexure 3: Filter Cleaning Status Label.


  • CLEANED ON : – ______________________
  • NEXT CLEANING DUE ON : – ______________
  • DONE BY :- __________________________
  • CHECKED BY : – _______________________

Annexure 4: Filter Cleaning Schedule.

Department Engineering                                                                     Year  
Sr.No Equipment Name Equipment Code Schedule Dates
Month →



Janki Singh is experienced in Pharmaceuticals, author and founder of Pharma Beginners, an ultimate pharmaceutical blogging platform. Email: [email protected]

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