Calibration of Glassware (Laboratory)- Procedure

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Protocol for Calibration of Laboratory Glassware (Class A)  like- Volumetric flask, Pipette calibration, Burette calibration used in Quality Control Laboratory for analysis purpose.

Glassware Calibration Procedure

1.0   Purpose:

    • The purpose of this SOP is to describe the procedure for calibration of laboratory glassware.

2.0   Scope:

    • This SOP is applicable for calibration of laboratory glassware used in Quality Control Laboratory.

3.0   References:

    • IP-2020; 2.1.6. Volumetric GlasswareCalibration of Glassware
    • Manufacturer COA

4.0   Responsibilities:

    • Analyst:

    • To prepare the SOP.
    • To receive and calibrate the glassware as per procedure.
    • QC Head or designee:

    • To check the SOP.
    • Impart training to all concerned persons before implementations of SOP.
    • To ensure proper maintenance of respective documents.
    • Quality Assurance:

    • To check the SOP.
    • To ensure that implementation of system is as per SOP.

5.0   Procedure for Glassware Calibration:

    • General Procedure:
    • Review the manufactures certificates and put a review stamp on it.
    • To select the glassware (volumetric flask, pipette, burette) for calibration from fresh consignment or as and when required according to √ n+1 method.
    • If the calibration of the above is not within the limit, the consignments shall be returned to party.
    • Numbering of glassware shall be marked as follows :



QC   = Quality Control

CAL  = Calibration

Z  =  F (Volumetric Flask), P (Pipette), B (Burette)

YY   = Last two digit of year (eg;12, for year 2012)

XXX = serial number of glassware

    • Assign calibration ID No to each glassware which to be calibrated, accordingly.
    • Precautions during Glassware Calibration:

    • Handle glassware carefully.
    • Pipette/burette should be dried in vertical position and touched against wall of receiving vessel to drain the tips.
    • Use PPE’s such as nose mask, gloves etc. as per requirement during the handling of glassware.
    • Calculation:

%RSD    = 100/Xm x [Ʃ(Xi-Xm)²/n-1]½

Xm   = Mean value

Xi     = Individual value

n      = Number of analysis

  • Calibration Protocol & Procedure for Volumetric Flask (Glassware):

Glassware Name Template Issuance No.
Make ID No.
Nominal Volume Calibration date

Calibration Requirement:-

    • Balance                     Code No.______________    Valid upto _________
    • Digital Thermometer Code No.______________    Valid upto _________
    • Distilled water

Procedure for Volumetric Flask Calibration:-

    • Place the required amount of distilled water in beaker.
    • Allow the temperature of water to equilibrate to room temperature (250C ± 20C).
    • Weigh the dry empty flask on calibrated balance and note down the weight (W1).
    • Record the observed temperature of water before pouring in volumetric flask (T1).
    • Fill the flask to nominal volume with distilled water (25±2°C).
    • Weigh it again and note down the weight (W2).
    • After weighing again record the temperature (T2), the variation in temperature (ΔT) shall not be  more than ± 0.50C  from the initial temperature of water.
    • Calculate the weight difference (ΔW) between empty flask (W1) and flask with water (W2)
    • Convert weight difference in terms of ml by calculating the wt/ml of water.
    • Calculate the error in ml and percentage.
    • Repeat the above step in triplicate.
    • Calculate the observed volume and relative standard deviation. RSD shall be with in 1.0%.


           Weight difference(gm), ΔW =  W2  –  W1                   

           Observed Volume (ml), VObserve =   ΔW/ D

Volume Difference(ml),ΔV  =  VNominal – VObserve


Relative Error (%)  =  —————— X 100                    



W1 = Weight of empty flask                                  VNominal = Nominal Volume

W2 = Weight of flask filled with water                 VObserve = Observe Volume

D = Density of water at 25 0C (0.997 g/ml)




Water Temp.




Flask Weight


Weight Diff.

ΔW (gm)

Observe Vol.(ml) Vol. Diff. ΔV (ml) Relative Error (%)             
 Before Weight (T1)  After



T2 – T1






W2 – W1 VObserve

=  ΔW/D


VNominal – VObserve ΔV/VNominal x 100
Limit: NMT 1%

Acceptance Criteria:

Nominal Volume(ml) 5 10 20 25 50 100 200 250 500 1000
Class A Tolerance (± ml) 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.15 0.1 0.15 0.2
Relative Error (± %) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.02
  • Calibration Protocol & Procedure for Pipette (Glassware):

Glassware Name Template Issuance No.
Make ID No.
Nominal Volume Calibration date

Calibration Requirements:-

    • Balance Code No.______________    Valid upto _________
    • Digital Thermometer Code No.______________    Valid upto _________
    • Distilled water

Procedures for Pipette Calibration:-

    • Place the require amount of distilled water in beaker.
    • Allow the temperature of water to equilibrate to room temperature (250C ± 20C)
    • Weigh the dry empty beaker on calibrated balance and note down the weight (W1).
    • Record the observed temperature of water before pouring in pipette (T1).
    • Fill the pipette to nominal volume with distilled water (25±2°C).
    • Transfer the filled volume to beaker, weigh it again and note down the weight (W2).
    • After weighing, again record the temperature (T2), the variation in temperature (ΔT) shall not be more than ± 0.50C from the initial temperature of water.
    • Calculate the weight difference (ΔW).
    • Convert weight difference in terms of ml by calculating the wt/ml of water.
    • Calculate the error in ml and percentage.
    • Repeat the above step in triplicate.
    • Calculate the observed volume and RSD shall be within1.0%

Calculations :-

Weight difference(gm), ΔW =  W2  –  W1                      where,  

         Observed Volume (ml), VObserve =   ΔW/ D                 VNominal  =  Nominal Volume

Volume Difference(ml),ΔV  =  VNominal – VObserve         VObserve = Observe Volume

ΔV                                            W= Weight of empty beaker

Relative Error (%)  =  ——– X 100                      W2  = Weight of beaker filled with water

VNominal                                                 D = Density of water at 25 0C (0.997 g/ml)




Water Temp.




Beaker Weight


Weight Diff.

ΔW (gm)

Observe Vol.(ml) Vol. Diff. ΔV (ml) Relative Error (%)                             
 Before Weight (T1)  After



T2 – T1






W2 – W1 VObserve

=  ΔW/D


VNominal – VObserve ΔV/VNominal x 100
Limit: NMT 1% % RSD

 Acceptance Criteria:

Nominal Volume (ml) 1 2 5 10 20 25 50 100
Class A One Mark Pipettes
 Tolerance (± ml) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06
Relative Error (± %) 1 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.12 0.08 0.06
Class A Graduated Pipettes
Subdivision (ml) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2
Tolerance (± ml) 0.006 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1
Relative Error (± %) 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4


Nominal Volume (ml) 3 4 6 9 15
Class A One Mark Pipettes
 Tolerance (± ml) 0.01 ±0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03
Relative Error (± %) 0.3 0.3 0.2 ±0.2 0.2
  • Calibration Protocol & Procedure for Burette (Glassware):

Glassware Name Template Issuance No.
Make ID No.
Nominal Volume Calibration date

Calibration Requirements:-

    • Balance  Code No.______________    Valid upto _________
    • Digital Thermometer Code No.______________    Valid upto _________
    • Distilled water

Procedures for Burette Calibration :-

    • Place the require amount of distilled water in beaker. Allow the temperature of water to equilibrate to room temperature (250C ± 20C)
    • Take the weight of empty beaker (W1).
    • Record the observed temperature of water before pouring in pipette (T1).
    • Fill the burette to nominal volume with distilled water (25±2°C).
    • Transfer the volume to beaker, weigh it again and note down the weight (W2).
    • After weighing, again record the temperature (T2), the variation in temperature (ΔT) shall not be more than ± 0.50C from the initial temperature of water.
    • Calculate the weight difference (ΔW).
    • Convert weight difference in terms of ml by calculating the wt/ml of water.
    • Calculate the error in ml and percentage.
    • Repeat the above step in triplicate.
    • Calculate the observed volume and relative standard deviation.
    • RSD shall be with in 1.0%.


Weight difference(gm), ΔW =  W2  –  W1                      where,  

         Observed Volume (ml), VObserve =   ΔW/ D                 VNominal  =  Nominal Volume

Volume Difference(ml),ΔV  =  VNominal – VObserve         VObserve = Observe Volume

ΔV                                            W= Weight of empty beaker

Relative Error (%)  =  ——– X 100                      W2  = Weight of beaker filled with water

VNominal                                                 D = Density of water at 25 0C (0.997 g/ml)

Observations :-



Water Temp.




Beaker Weight


Weight Diff.

ΔW (gm)

Observe Vol.(ml) Vol. Diff. ΔV (ml) Relative Error (%)
 Before Weight (T1)  After



T2 – T1






W2 – W1 VObserve

=  ΔW/D


VNominal – VObserve ΔV/VNominal x 100
Limit: NMT 1% %RSD

Acceptance Criteria:

Nominal Capacity (ml) 10 (micro) 25 50 100
Subdivision (ml) 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1
Class A Tolerance (± ml) 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.1
Relative Error (± %) 0.1 0.12 0.1 0.1

Attachment : Volumetric flask calibration log book

Sr. No

Receiving date Date of calibration Nominal volume Calibration ID Calibrated By

Checked By

Attachment : Pipette calibration log book

Sr. No

Receiving date Date of calibration Nominal volume Calibration ID Calibrated By

Checked By

Attachment : Burette calibration log book

Sr. No

Receiving date Date of calibration Nominal volume Calibration ID Calibrated By

Checked By

Attachment : Template issuance log book

Sr. No

Date of issuance Protocol issuance No Glassware/


Glassware code No Glassware calibration ID No Issued By Received By




Janki Singh is experienced in Pharmaceuticals, author and founder of Pharma Beginners, an ultimate pharmaceutical blogging platform. Email: [email protected]

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